Thursday, July 3, 2008

Family Pictures

I am sure many of you know the hassle involved in getting the family ready for pictures. Well in order to have a happy baby for pictures I thought I would put her down for a nap knowing that she smiles the most when she wakes up. Well....That backfired!!! Instead of sleeping she screamed so when it came time for pictures her eyes were blood shot and she wanted to fall alsleep. We had to bribe Elena with chocolate and even then this was the only picture that she smiled in. Brandon on the other held the same pose and same smile in every picture. He needs to train the girls!!!

1 comment:

Brittany Mecham said...

You are the most adorable family ever!! I really love your hair color amber, you look so tan! Family pictures are always fun, we cant get jack to have a normal smile, so he always looks goofy. Its funny cause all the pictures i've seen brandon in he does really look the same way to be photogenic (?sp) brandon, i wish i was more like that! love and miss you guys!